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Remove Product Thumbnails from iThemes Exchange Cart

This will remove an iThemes Exchange product image from the cart, checkout page and order confirmation page. The way some products are configured, their image is just not important and can take up valuable space in the shopping cart. Place in functions.php or better yet include a new functions.php in an exchange folder in your theme or child theme.

Remove thumbnails from iThemes checkout and order confirmation
function custom_exchange_get_content_cart_items_elements( $parts ) {
foreach ( $parts as $key => $part ) {
if ( 'item-featured-image' == $part ) {
unset( $parts[$key] );
return $parts;
add_action( 'it_exchange_get_content_cart_items_elements', 'custom_exchange_get_content_cart_items_elements' );
add_action( 'it_exchange_get_content_checkout_items_elements', 'custom_exchange_get_content_cart_items_elements' );

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October 8, 2014 WordPress Development